Posts Tagged ‘George Crompton’

Cherub Head C
One of Multiple Angels & Cherubs Adorning the Crypt of George Crompton (19th Century Industrialist & Inventor of the Crompton Loom) at the Rural Cemetery on Grove Street in Worcester, Massachusetts (Originally Published on Gargoyles and Grotesques December 17,  2014)

The Faces of a Cherub and an Angel Gaze Out From Amidst the Stonework of the 19th Century Industrialist & Inventor George Crompton’s Mausoleum at the Rural Cemetery on Grove Street in Worcester, Massachusetts

Cherub Head C
One of Multiple Angels & Cherubs Adorning the Crypt of George Crompton (19th Century Industrialist & Inventor of the Crompton Loom) at the Rural Cemetery on Grove Street in Worcester, Massachusetts